All our school uniform can be ordered direct from Loopwear.
Orders over £30 are delivered free of charge to an address of your choice or can be collected free of charge from the Ilkeston showroom.
You can also purchase unbranded jumpers and cardigans from a number of other shops, including charity shops.
The Governors have agreed the following code of dress:
- Plain navy blue, black or grey for skirts, pinafores and trousers;
- Plain navy blue sweatshirts or cardigans (with or without school logo);
- Plain white blouses/plain polo shirts or polo shirts purchased with the school logo;
- Blue gingham dresses (cool alternative in summer);
- Navy blue, black or grey tailored shorts in summer;
- Navy blue or black shoes/trainers (cannot be used for PE);
- Navy blue or black sandals (school does not advise due to safety issues).
We do not allow t-shirts etc. with “unsuitable” logos or wording on any items of clothing.
We do not allow piercings, except one small plain stud in each ear, which must be removed or taped up for P.E. If you wish your child to wear something due to religious reasons, this must be put in writing for approval by the school’s Governing Body.
A Safety Note – The Health and Safety at Work Act stipulates that NO child must wear earrings or any other form of jewellery whilst taking part in school organised P.E. activities. We therefore ask that children do not have their ears pierced during term time as this would exclude them from P.E. whilst their ears healed.
Please do not send your child to school in expensive watches, including smart watches, or any jewellery. We do not allow children to wear items of jewellery (unless for religious reasons) or bring personal possessions to school. Unfortunately, we cannot take responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged possessions or clothing.
Extremes of fashion such as dying hair, tram lines in hair and Mohican haircuts are not permitted. Long hair and fringes must be tied back or held away from the face so that it does not interfere with the children’s learning. We encourage long hair to be tied back at all times as this restricts the spread of head lice.
Nail varnish is NOT allowed.
We discourage the wearing of sunglasses in the playground during playtimes (for health and safety reasons) as we believe a cap is sufficient. Sun hats are readily available in school for all children.
PE Clothing
Parents are asked to send their child in the P.E. kit on the days their class takes part in P.E. lessons. Children do not get changed into P.E. kit in school.
We would ask children to wear a white polo shirt and dark shorts (navy blue, black or grey) with a blue top (this could be another school sweatshirt or a plain one) for P.E., and we recommend “slip on” type plimsolls for infants. Plimsolls should be plain black (larger sizes are available from our uniform provider) and trainers should be mainly black, navy blue or white, with no logo.
It is a good idea to send a pair of plain navy blue, black or grey jogger (no logos) with your child for when they are on the junior playground to protect their knees.
Juniors require some more sophisticated equipment but only in relation to the outdoor activities that they may do. Trainers are a good idea, but these should not be the same trainers that the children wear in class.
Plimsolls are still the best for indoor gymnastics work. Leotards/shorts/P.E. skirts may be worn.
Year 3, 4 or 5 go swimming every week. Information will be distributed about this nearer the time. Costumes must be of a one-piece design (no bikinis) or “traditional” swimming trunks (no board shorts). The school and swimming instructors prefer children not to wear goggles. However, if you feel your child needs to wear these, the school will not accept responsibility for any injury or accident caused using goggles.
Derbyshire County Council’s “Safety in Games and Swimming” regulations state that “anything likely to impede a child or cause danger to others (jewellery, earrings etc) must be removed before these activities take place”.
We hope you’ll support the school to keep the children smart and reduce time spent missing lessons and making extra phone calls.
If you require any support with uniform don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at school through our office on enquiries@waingroves.derbyshire.sch.uk or call on 01773 744106.
Forest School
Starting in Reception, every class will get the opportunity to take part in Forest School at some point throughout the year. The Forest School sessions take place in all weathers and children will need the following items every week during their turn at Forest School:
- wellies/walking boots/shoes that can get dirty
- a waterproof coat
- waterproof over trousers if you have them, or a change of trousers
- any other items suitable for the season – gloves, hat, scarf and extra layers, or sun hat and sun cream!
A letter will be sent out when it is the turn of your child’s class for Forest School.