TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) 
At Waingroves Primary School we use a website/app called 'Times Tables Rock Stars' for children in year 1 to 6. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging online programme designed to help your child master their times tables up to 12 x 12.
Times tables are a massively important aspect of a child’s mathematical journey in primary school and beyond. There are many strands of mathematical study and all of them feature a heavy reliance on times tables fluency. This is why Waingroves Primary School are committed to building a strong culture of times tables appreciation and fluency across school.
TTRS has many game modes, all of which are explained in the guide following this letter. Children can earn coins for correct answers and spend these in the shop to buy clothing items for their rock star avatar.
TTRS can be accessed through a computer at or via the TTRS App which can be found on the App Store and Google Play store. When logging in, you will find two versions of Waingroves Primary School when you search. Look for the one named Waingroves Primary School, Ripley. The one without ‘Ripley’ in the name will not let you enter.
The two most important game modes are ‘Studio’ and ‘Soundcheck’, but we recommend that children play all the modes for practice and for fun.
- ‘Studio’ is built to measure children’s speed and accuracy, and we will use these results to best aid children with their times tables in school.
- ‘Soundcheck’ is designed to mimic and help children practise for the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check, which Year 4 children undertake in the summer. Further details about the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check can be found here: .
It is important that parents do not play on their child’s TTRS profile, as this will change the data school receives about children’s speed and accuracy. We use this data to inform our teaching of times tables at school and results from parents are often very different from children.
We will also be setting the times in which children can play – these times will vary across classes, but Times Tables Rock Stars will not be accessible after the recommended bed times of children at each age stage.
We hope you will find this a fun and useful tool for developing your children’s knowledge of times tables. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher directly.