Waingroves, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9TD

01773 744106

Waingroves Primary School

Think. Do. Achieve


to Y5

Our teachers are:

Mrs Cox and Mrs Mannion 

Teaching Assistant- Mrs Smalley

PE teacher- Miss Naylor


In Year 5 we always work hard-we are a great team and look after each other :)

Please see the documents below to learn more about Year 5. 

Our Class Timetable 

Our Class Curriculum Maps and Our Learning Journey so far.

Click to find out more information about our topics during the half term. You can also see our learning journeys so far, which share what we have already covered during our learning journey through school.

Summer 2 

Summer 1 

Spring 2

Spring 1

Autumn 2 

Autumn 1 

Forest School Week 5

This week we made log dogs! We had great fun using the saw to create our own special dogs! We also had a lovely relaxing watercolour painting session with Mrs English down in the hut. 

Forest School Week 4 

We used a knife to create our very own pencils! We also planted some beans and even found a newt in the pond!! We are really excited Brad found a newt as this means our pond is attracting more wildlife :) 

Forest School Week 3

This week we celebrated Spring with some Maypole dancing and a Spring parade around the school grounds. We also enjoyed trying Mrs Mannion's homemade elderflower cordial with our snacks. Finally, we made Spring bracelets using the signs of Spring we found around our field. 

Forest School Week 2 

We had a lovely morning walking through the woods and identifying lots of different plants and trees. We were lucky enough to see the beautiful carpet of bluebells :) We also saw bees pollinating the flowers. 

Forest School Week 1

This week we made shelters using the Christmas trees that had been donated they were brilliant and we managed to get 3 people in them! We also enjoyed looking for signs of spring and made spring bracelets. 

Forest School Autumn Term 

Week Five Forest School

During our final Forest School for this half term we enjoyed a hot chocolate. We made magic wands using a potato peeler. We also enjoyed some choose time doing our favourite Forest School things. Digging, exploring and den building to name a few.

This half terms Forest School has been amazing!!! Thank you Mrs Mannion and Mrs English we can't wait to do it all again in the Summer!  

Week Four Forest School

We had a great week at Forest School we enjoyed making our own flat bread and cooking it on the fire and then toasting marshmallows :) 

Mrs English told us an Autumn story under the trees. It was really magical as the Autumn leaves were falling all around us. She then helped us to make bird feeders for our gardens using pine cones, lard and seeds. 

Week Three Forest School 

This week we enjoyed orienteering and identifying insects with Mrs English. We also went pond dipping and we caught a fish! 

We enjoyed building dens using a timber hitch knot. Then we decorated them with string leaf lights and made pretend camp fires around them. I'm sure you will agree all our dens are fantastic! 

Week Two Forest School

We really enjoyed creating a 'Conker comet' this week. We used a Conker clamp and a hand drill to create our unique Conkers. Then we enjoyed playing a game with them to see who could get their Conkers into the hoop!

We also enjoyed pond dipping and using identification charts to spot interesting pond life. We caught 3 fish which have now been rehomed in Mrs Bates's pond. 

Week One Forest School

Forest School was a bit damp this week!
We collected blackberries and made our own ink.  We then used a quill to write with it.
Over in the pond area, we started making a Bug Hotel - we already have some residents in it!

We have had a fantastic half term 

We have watched our caterpillars grow into beautiful butterflies. Our tadpoles grow legs and released them into our school pond and seen our chicks hatch!

We loved sharing our learning with reception class :) 

Our VR experience :) We had a fantastic morning exploring a range of space experiences. 

Summer 1

This half term we are going to be learning all about life cycles. We are really excited to be taking part in the chick hatching project in a few weeks. 

Please see our curriculum map for more information. 

Spring 2

This half term we are going to be learning all about Space. Please see our curriculum map for more information. 

Our Mental Health Walk to the woods 2024

Spring 1

This half term we are going to be learning all about life in Ancient Egypt. Please see our curriculum map for more information. 

D and T Days 

As part of our Design and Technology days this half term, we explored fabric Christmas decorations. We then explored a range of stitches and then designed and made our own decorations for our Christmas trees.  Finally, we evaluated our projects. Here are some of our final pieces below.

 Autumn Term 2

This half term we are going to be learning all about North America. Please see our curriculum map for more information. 

Autumn Term 1

This week we have kicked started our new topic Science Investigators with our WOW! activity. We had great fun making and exploring slime using corn flour and water. We loved playing with our slime and learnt all about Non-Newtonian liquids. 

We carried out lots of investigations and enjoyed planning and having a go at our own.