Waingroves, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9TD

01773 744106

Waingroves Primary School

Think. Do. Achieve

Welcome to the Reception 2023/24 Class Page!

Our teacher is Mrs Parkin. Mrs Boot is our Teaching Assistant and we do PE every Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Smith.


This is our class timetable:

Summer Term

Mrs Boot and I hope that you and the children have has a lovely, restful time Easter and that the Easter Bunny was very generous. 

This half term's topic is The Circle of Life and below is our overview which shows our learning over the next six weeks.

Tough Runner 

We have had the most amazing time this morning, one child even said "this is the best day of my life ever!!"  Take a look at the photos we managed to capture.

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

We have had an amazing day today at Yorkshire Wildlife Park and I hope the children were excited to share their day with you.  

Wheelie Day 2024

We had lots of fun today on our bikes and scooters.

Forest School - 2nd July 2024

Today was our last Forest School session as Reception children, we are very sad but have had a lovely time playing games and making bracelets from wood and pipe cleaners.  Thank you Mrs Mannion and Mrs English it's been fantastic learning outside with you!!

Forest School - 11th June 2024

Yesterday's Forest School session was so much fun! We read the Owl Babies Story and made our own owls out of clay and things we found on the ground in the area.  We also pretended to be owls, we searched the pond area and found worms in our peg beaks, we did some great counting too!  We also made our own nests, dens and some of us enjoyed playing in the digging area.

Forest School - 4th June 2024

We had a fantastic first Forest Schools session today.  We did some Forest Bathing and Orienteering with Mrs Mannion and we had a bug hunt and did Pond Dipping with Mrs English.  Why not ask your children all about it, I am sure they will have lots to tell you.

The Circle of Life

As part of our Topic, Circle of Life, we have been learning about the life cycle of plants, humans, amphibians, minibeasts and animals.  This week we are learning about the lifecycle of a chicken and have learnt a lot. However, today, Year 5 came to see us to tell us what they have been learning, so now we know much more, why ask us for some interesting facts!  Year 5 also brought some chicks with the, they are only a week old!! We loved holding and feeding the chicks, but we weren't so keen on them when they did a poo.  Have a look at our photos below ...

Spring Term

Happy New Year!! Mrs Boot and I hope you and the children had a lovely, restful time over the festive period as we look forward to welcoming the children back to school.

This half term's topic is 'Tell Me A Story' and below is our overview which shows our learning over the next six weeks.

Can you work out what books we are looking at this half term...



Forest School - 19th March 2024

We had a very exciting Forest School session today.  We cooked dough to make bread and toasted marsh mellows on the fire.  We also went on a bug hunt and collected items to add to the Waingroves Bug Manson.  While we were there we had a look at the pond too!

As part of our class learning we are talking about the Season's changing and what is different in Spring compared to Winter.  We looked and listened for clues.  We heard and saw more birds and we saw a lot of buds and new leaves on the trees, as well as lots of lovely Spring flowers.  We also noticed that the weather is getting warmer and we did not need our hats and gloves as much.

Forest School - 12th March 2024

Today we had a very wet and soggy Forest School session, but we still had lots of fun making bird feeders and tents.

Police Visit

This term our Topic is called Search for a Hero.  We know lots of Superheroes that we see in books or on the television and what they do to help people.  Today, we have been thinking about real life Superheroes and we had a very special visitor come to see us this afternoon to talk about what they do in their job to help us and keep us safe.  

Forest School - 27th February 2024

We have loved out first Forest School session!!  

First, we read the story of Stick Man, then the went to find out own stick person, we gave them a name and realised they had no clothes on, so we made some. Finally, we made our stick people a house to live in, we have great fun and were very creative.  See if you can spot our stick people hiding in the pictures!! 

Gingerbread People

Yesterday we made our own Gingerbread People and today we decorated them.  We hope they taste as nice as they looked.  

Happy half term everyone and thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Parkin and Mrs Boot

Chinese New Year

We have been learning about Chinese New Year today and have made Dragons.  Ask us about what we have learned...

Investigating Ice

We have had a lovely time outside today investigating Ice.

We discussed that when the outside temperature is really, really cold, it freezes the water into ice.

Fabulous Phonics and Exciting Writing (Part 2)

Today in Phonics Mrs Boot's group decided to do some writing too!  They also wrote a whole sentence independently.  We could not be prouder of all the children for their constant hard work, ambition and desire to do well.  They really are a credit to each and every one of you and we feel privileged to teach such amazing children.

Fabulous Phonics and Exciting Writing!!

Today in Phonics Mrs Parkin’s group learned the sound ‘oo’ which is a bit of a tricky sound.  We read lots of sounds with the ‘oo’ sound in and wrote some words too.  For a challenge we wrote a full sentence, take a look below and see if you can see your child’s work, you will not believe it until you see it with your own eyes!!! I cannot express how proud I am of the children’s hard work and progress since starting school and, as always, thank you for your continued support.

Autumn Term 2

Our Topic this half term is Natures' Toybox!  Below is our Curriculum Plan:


Yesterday the children learnt all about the Festival of Diwali, what it's other name is, who celebrates and why.  Ask your children what they can remember. 

We than made Rangoli Pictures, it was really tricky but we had great fun and I am sure you will agree the Children did a fantastic job!

As part of our celebration of Diwali, Mrs Challand came to our classroom to tell the children a story, show them her beautiful Divas and clothing.  She also made Mrs Parkin a Sari out of a long piece of material we were all very impressed and thought Mrs Parkin looked like a princess! 

Then we danced to the Indian music and Mrs Challand brought us some sweets to wish us a Happy Diwali. 

After Playtime, we dressed up in some of the beautiful clothes.  We had a fantastic afternoon.

Christmas Party!

We have had the most fantastic afternoon at our Christmas Party. 

We went to do some dancing with Year 1 and 2 but we had a very special visitor!!  After that we went to our classroom to eat our party food and played some gems.

We were really excited, and were asking Mrs Parkin and Mrs Boot if we could party all day!!  The time went very quickly and some of us were having so much fun we didn't want to go home!!

Autumn Term 1

Our Topic this half term is Marvellous Me!  Below is our Curriculum Plan.

Marvellous Me!

We have now come to the end of our first term together and wanted to share our learning journey with you. 

During the first two weeks at school, we spent a lot of time getting to know each other, the classroom and the whole school. During this time Mrs Parkin and Mrs Boot played some games with us to see how much we already knew -  they were very surprised! 

For the next six weeks we learned all about ourselves, our family and our history.  Please take a look the slideshows below to see some our fun learning activities.