Waingroves, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9TD

01773 744106

Waingroves Primary School

Think. Do. Achieve

Welcome to our class page 

Mrs Booker, Mrs Coleman, Mrs Davies and Mrs Smith  work in our class. 

Miss Naylor teaches our PE lessons on Wednesday and on Thursday.

Our School Councillors for our class.

Please remember to work on your times tables by logging into TT Rockstars


We have all made an excellent start in our new class.

Here are photographs of some of us taken on our very first week in Year Two.

Well done to everyone.

We have enjoyed working in small groups making  different buildings.

We have enjoyed learning new things together.


We have designed and sewn together securely models of some of  King Charles' favourite things. We  worked hard to research what he likes and discovered that he likes trees, flowers, football and taking care of the environment. We made him some felt ornaments and sent him a parcel and letter to Buckingham Palace. We tried hard to ensure it was a smart and secure ornament for the King to enjoy.

We enjoyed testing if the materials were strong enough to withstand pressure. Were they strong enough? Please have a look and see what we discovered.

We enjoyed sharing our favourite books with our learning partner. We explained why it was an interesting book to Mrs Davies and Mrs Smith.

We all really enjoyed our ART work  especially using charcoal, pencil and pastels to create different shades and tone.

Art in Spring 2


We have had an excellent time learning how to create tints and tones. We enjoyed learning about the artists 'Kandinsky' and 'Renoir'. We tried to paint a special object of our choice using tints or tones in the landscape painting. We were proud of how hard we tried and how we persevered until we were proud of the final version.


We really enjoyed making our own 'Hanukkah' wreaths with Mrs Davies and Mrs Smith.

DT  in Autumn 2

We have made a fantastic start to our work in DT. We are learning how to make a 'slider'. This was our first try where we all made a 'sliding penguin'.

Then we worked hard to create our own designs. We made a slider to move our central Christmas character in a Christmas scene. Please have a look at our excellent finished cards. We really enjoyed our first DT project this year.

Our Final Week of Forest Schools Autumn 2023

We had an amazing time at 'Forest Schools' this week. We took part in a special quiz to find different clues around the school grounds. We were really excited to find a special prize had been left for us by the 'Elf'.

We made some reindeer food with Mrs English. We will make sure we remember to leave some out for the reindeers on Christmas Eve.

Our 2024 Calendars

We think the calendars are beautiful as the repeating patterns are really neat and the people in our class chose pretty colours. We used our fingers to paint the border and our hand for the '0'. All of our calendars are different. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! 


Reading Snakes

We worked hard to read and follow our instructions today. Please look at how well we followed the instructions. We really liked them. What do you think?

DT: Summer 2 Fruit lollies

We really enjoyed tasting different fruits this week. We decided which types of fruit were the sweetest to use for our lollies.

We also worked out how to cut and shape our chosen fruit so that they would fit carefully through our straws or on our  sticks.

Please have a look at our finished strawberry lollies. They tasted delicious!

We had an excellent last day!

We really enjoyed a visit from the ice cream van on our last day. The ice creams and lollies were delicious. Thank you.

Our class mascots have been on lots of adventures this year.

Thank you to our grown ups that have helped and supported us with our exciting trips and special adventures.

Summer 2

We really enjoyed 'Tough Runner' today

We had a brilliant time today. We really enjoyed taking part. We had lots of fun! Please look at the photographs taken by Mrs Davies this afternoon.

We really enjoyed 'Wheelie Day!'

Thank you to our 'School Council'. We had an excellent time on Friday when we were allowed to bring our bikes, scooters  in  to ride around our playgrounds. We all had a fabulous time and even  raised money too.

Thank you to everyone.


We had an amazing trip to Magna today. We learnt about dinosaurs and  different type of fossils. We investigated where we might find fossils and what fossils can tell us about the dinosaurs themselves. We also enjoyed learning about how fire and air effect things.

We enjoyed testing how much weight our 'paper boats'  would hold before they  collapsed. We had a great time!

World Book Day

We had a fantastic day and enjoyed dressing up in our favourite 'Book' costumes.

We really enjoyed sharing a book with some of Year 4. Thank you for coming and sharing your books with us. It was brilliant.

 We really enjoyed our first 'learning chunk' in our new topic. We are beginning to know the names of the continents of the world .

Forest Schools Spring 2 

This was our first week back at 'Forest Schools' for Year 2. We had a fantastic time learning about animal footprints and making our own animal footprint using clay and special clay tools. We were surprised how cold the clay felt! 

We worked well in small teams and tried to create shelters using natural materials. It was great fun and we worked hard to try to follow the instructions. It was a great success.

We also enjoyed playing a new game on the grass  and even helped to set up the wild life camera. Check back next week to see what it discovered.

Week 2

We really enjoyed making a bracelet for 'Mothers Day' today. It was really exciting to set up a 'night vision' camera down by the pond. I wonder what we will see?

Week 3

We all really enjoyed making a 'Stick man' who could play with our 'Log Dog'. It was great fun investigating the different parts of our school grounds. We all found lots of signs of 'Spring'. It was amazing to see how much rain we had on our field over the last few days.

Week 4

We had a great time this week pond dipping. Mrs English even caught a fish! We enjoyed playing in the muddy puddles and creating dens too!

Mrs Mannion lit a fire and we all enjoyed toasting marshmallows until they were soft and crispy.

Week 5

We had a fantastic time at Forest Schools this week. We really enjoyed looking after our eggs and worked really hard to design a safe afternoon.  We also loved going on an 'Easter Egg Hunt'. 

Thank you, we have really enjoyed our 'Forest Schools' this year.

Autumn 2

We really enjoyed our 'Christmas Party' this afternoon. It was great to spend time dancing and playing games with Reception, Year One, Mrs Parkin, Mrs Boot, Mrs Reeves and Ms Jackson. 

We eat our party food back in our class and had a really fun game of 'Pass the Parcel'.

We even had a special visit from Father Christmas. We loved having a photograph taken with him. Please have a look at our photographs.

Thank you to Mrs Davies and Mrs Smith because we had a great party!

Merry Christmas everyone.

We have enjoyed learning outside. We have been using lots of things to help us learn more about counting, multiplication and different numbers. 


Week 1

We had a brilliant time today at 'Forest Schools'. We investigated the pond area and tried really hard to find where the minibeasts were hiding. We used magnifying glasses and special containers to transport the insects carefully. We even added to the 'Bug Hotel' as well.

We listened carefully and enjoyed using special drill tools to make a comet. We had a really interesting time.


Week 2

We had a fantastic week learning how to build shelters. We worked hard as a team to try to make sure our  shelters were stable and safe. We all enjoyed building our own fire and doors too!

We also went orienteering too  and even managed to follow the clues on our maps. The 'classification keys' helped us to identify the different insects. Thank you to Mrs Mannion and Mrs English.

Week 3

We enjoyed making our own bird feeders this week. We used salted popcorn, cereal, berries and leaves to make it tasty for the birds to eat. 

It was super cold on Tuesday and we were lucky enough to have a gorgeous cup of hot chocolate to warm us up!

Today we used a 'peeler' to peel the bark off our wooden magic wands. We tried hard to wrap and decorate our wands too. Have a look, we think we worked really hard. Mrs Mannion said we had all  done a great job too. 

Week 4

We had a great time today at Forest School. We enjoyed learning about how to be safe around a fire. We even learnt how to make our own flatbread. We mixed flour and water together to make dough and then Mrs Mannion cooked it  on the fire. We all enjoyed trying  our own handmade bread. We even got to toast some marshmallows too, they were delicious!

We really enjoyed making a 'wood cookie' decoration with Mrs English. Thank you to Mrs English and Mrs Mannion for an excellent week.

Autumn 1

We all really enjoyed taking part in our 'Halloween Competition'. Please have a look at our fantastic creations.

We had an interesting visit from 'The Derbyshire Fire Fighters' on Friday.

We all learnt lots of things about how to be safe, how to check our HOME smoke alarms and how to 'STOP, DROP and ROLL' to stay safe.

Thank you to the firefighters who visited our classroom. 

We all worked really hard with our homework this week. Have a look at our fabulous creations of our own forests and gardens. Thank you to our grown ups for helping us.