Waingroves, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9TD

01773 744106

Waingroves Primary School

Think. Do. Achieve

Welcome to Mrs Reeves's and Mrs Baillie's Class page

Our teaching assistant is Ms Jackson.

Have a look at all of the exciting things we will be learning about this half-term.

Tough Runner was so much fun!  We all ended up very wet!

On Friday we took part in Wheelie Day to raise money for school.  We had a 'wheelie' good time!

For our last Forest School session of the year, we made some natural art using materials we could find around us.  We practised tying knots in rope and enjoyed a yummy cup of hot chocolate!

We had a fantastic time on our trip to Peak Wildlife Park!  We saw lots of fascinating animals and had an African Adventure tour from a park ranger!

This week at Forest School was butterfly week!  We learnt how to weave to create wool butterflies and used watercolours to paint paper and peg butterflies.

We had a great time at Forest School this week learning how to put up tipi shelters.  We also spent some time fishing in the pond and made some pinecone bees.  

This week in Forest School we learnt how to use a saw safely.  We practised our techniques and created our own log dogs.  We also went hunting for leaves and created some leaf rubbing artwork.

We had a very soggy first Forest School session!  We worked on our orienteering skills and even took part in some pond dipping in the rain!

To end our 'What might we discover in Waingroves Woods?' topic, we had another walk to the woods.  This time we took a range of plant and leaf spotters with us, to help us to identify all of the different things we found.

For our personal study project this term, we made dioramas of Waingroves Woods.  We thought about the different plants and trees we had seen and made models of them using a range of different materials.

As part of our sculpture project in Art, we looked at the work of Gustavo Ramirez Cruz.  We practiced techniques to scrunch, roll and shape paper to make a 3d form.  We then designed and created our own mythical creatures in the style of Gustavo Ramirez Cruz.

We began our 'What might we discover in Waingroves Woods?' topic by going on a walk to the Woods to explore.  We found lots of interesting plants, which we are going to learn about as part of our work in Science.  We got absolutely soaked on our walk back to school, but had fun splashing in muddy puddles!

We have been investigating materials as part of topic.  We tested to see which materials were waterproof and which were absorbent.

In Topic we are learning about where we live.  We have talked about different modes of transport, and which would be the most useful for helping us to get around the United Kingdom.

For our DT project, we have designed and created vehicles.  One part of our design criteria was that our vehicles must use wheels and axles to ensure that they can move.  We investigated using straws, pegs and dowel to see which made the best axles.

Our last Forest School was a wet and muddy one!  We had some time exploring, wrapped wool around lolly sticks to make worry dolls and created wool bracelets.

As part of our new topic called "What is Special About Where We Live?" we had a walk around our local area, to see what features are around school.  Have a look at the photos from our walk - what can you spot?

Year 1 children were very excited last week, as they received a special postcard from Cliff Richard!  Mrs Hennell is friends with Cliff's manager, and told her that we had been learning about Cliff performing at The Regal in 1958, before he became world-famous!

As part of our topic work, we have taken part in a 2 day DT project, designing and making doll's house furniture, which our grandparents might have played with when they were small.  

We began our topic of 'Why Were the Sixties Swinging?' by comparing music from the 1960s to music from today.  We listened to some vinyl records and had a boogie!

We had great fun today looking at our teddies, which had been dressed up for Halloween - we also tried to make scary faces!

The Oxford Owl website has lots of really useful videos to help you with Phonics at home.  Click the link below to have a look at a helpful video which shows you how to correctly pronounce all 44 sounds.


Here is our class timetable.