Waingroves, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9TD

01773 744106

Waingroves Primary School

Think. Do. Achieve

Welcome to Year 3!

Your teacher is Mrs Kinder

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Morris and Mrs Booker

PE Teacher Miss Naylor

In Year 3 we always work hard and look after each other.  :-)

Please see the information below to learn more about Year 3.

Please find our Autumn 1 2023 overview:

Topic - Who came before us?

We were so busy in the first few weeks of term! Take a look at how we went back in time and pretended we were cave people 'painting our new cave home.' We use pastels and charcoal. The children did a fantastic job and had tons of fun in the process! Well done Y3!

Topic - Who came before us?

As part of our Stone Age investigations we became hunter gatherers. The children absolutely loved this task. Using bean bags as spears we hit our 'meat' targets and foraged for fruits and berries by collecting tokens from around the soggy KS1 playgroup. Great hunting skills Y3!

Forest School!

We had an amazing start to our Forest School activities! Thank you so much for the kind donations towards our now completed Waingroves bug hotel. The children experienced so many amazing things! Including a helicopter fly over! We went foraging for berries and made our own ink - caveman style and used a 'quill,' to mark make and write our names. We explored the pond area for bugs, critters and fish! I wonder if you can spot the HUGE spider Lenny found! We also had some free time getting 'stuck in the mud,' which the children absolutely loved! I cannot wait for next week already!

Forest School Adventures! 

We have had another amazing afternoon at Forest School! We had two brilliant activities to get our teeth stuck into today. One was pond dipping – we found lots of different creatures in the pond, including some fish, whilst learning about pond safety and how to ‘sit’ when pond dipping. I wonder if you can tell your grown up about the ‘respect,’ position? Then we had the chance to make a conker comet! The children used a palm drill and clamp to drill their own holes into the conkers. On top of all of that we found some fascinating bugs too! Take a look!

Forest school!

This week in forest school we have had another brilliant, sunny Tuesday with lots of fantastic opportunities of learning! Take a look at what we have been up to!

Forest School

Wow a chilly one today but at least the sun was shining for us! This week we had a fire, made our own flatbreads using self raising flour and water and roasted some delicious marshmallows too! Some children even added jam to the flatbreads - they absolutely loved this activity. Next, we had a go at 'being at one with nature,' and listened to a mindfulness story full of thoughtful ideas about nature. After that, we made pine cone bird feeders using lard and bird seed. Finally, we played a game called 'bat and moth,' which really helped us use our listening skills to find where the moth was :-) I wonder if your child can tell you about the game. Lots of smiles had, lots of laughter and all in all a brilliant afternoon. Thanks Year 3! Take a look at our smiley photos!

Forest School

Another afternoon filled with lots of learning opportunities, fun and mud! This week we had a go at making our own wands! Using a normal potato peeler we peeled layers of bark off the different types of sticks that were on offer, one being elm. Then we used pens and string to decorate them! It was brilliant to see the children's imaginations come to life playing with their new wands! Very creative! Next, to warm us up we enjoyed a tasty hot chocolate! Followed by hedgehog making and finishing off with some free time to explore, get muddy and some children made a home for their hedgehog - as it is their time of year to hibernate. I think you can agree forest school this term has been so enriching for the children and me and Mrs Morris! We will look forward to our next session after Christmas. Enjoy the photos! 

Teddy fancy dress!

We had an amazing turn out for the teddy fancy dress! Thank you so much for supporting your children with this. They absolutely loved showing off their teddies in assembly and talking to their friends about them. HUGE THANK YOU! 

Please find our Autumn 2 overview below:

Please find our Spring 1 2024 overview:

Forest School 2024!

Wow what amazing morning we have had! First Mrs English told us about a new 'nature' camara we have had from Santa so we can film nocturnal activity on the school grounds! Fingers crossed for some furry or feathered visitors! Next, we had a look at some animal prints and had a go at identifying which prints belonged to who. Then the children had a go at making their own prints by copying prints they found the most interesting - we had to guess which animal had made them, can you!?! After a warm cup of blackcurrant or apple juice (to warm up!) groups swapped over and we made a 'log dog,' with Mrs Manion! The children were so sensible at sawing their log and showed some real teamwork here in helping each other out with tricky bits. Mrs Manion told us all about the type of saw she used (a wood saw) and how to use it safely, she also taught us about knots and how to tie a lead on our 'log dog,' so they didn't run away! All in all another brilliant learning opportunity and lots of fun and smiles too! Super work Y3!

Forest school - week 2!

A very icy start to the day but that just made things more fun! To start with Mrs Manion demonstrated how to use found objects, broken branches and sticks to make shelters. The children used different parts of the kindly donated Christmas trees for different parts of their shelter. They did a fantastic job with teamwork and some got very creative! We even had a chandelier! I wonder if you can spot it! After doing some exercises to warm up our toes and bones we had a warm drink to get us read for switching over groups. Mrs English had found some ice eggs! Each ice egg had a marble in it and the children had to 'save the marble' and not let the ice melt. Then, we had to try and get the marble out. We finished off with some games to warm up. I particularly liked the hedgehog game, I wonder if your child can tell you about it. Enjoy!

Forest School

The great British weather wont hold us back! We had tons of fun this week in Forest School. First we made leaf crowns to welcome in the Spring. Then we decorated the trees around the school to warm them up ready for new life using bright, cheerful shades of wool. After, we learnt the wassail song that is traditionally used to wake up the plants and trees for Spring time and walked around the school grounds making as much noise as possible! Maybe you heard us!? 

Forest School

 We had an amazing session this week! Take a look at what we got up to!


We have been super busy in Topic recently! Earlier this week the children learnt all about teeth and had a go at making their own! Today we learned about the digestive system. It was tons of fun - some of the faces in the pictures says it all! I wonder if your child can tell you about they learnt? Enjoy :-)

DT in Year 3 - Food and Nutrition

As part of our DT and Topic work this term we have been learning all about food groups, healthy and unhealthy choices, (including how to identify them using the traffic light system) and how our bodies get what they need from the food we eat. This week our grand finale was making healthy pitta pizzas - which went incredibly well - thanks to your support! The children worked completely independently, with Mrs Booker being in charge of the cooker! :-) Take a look at their fantastic efforts!

Please find our Spring 2 2024 overview:

Please find our Spring 2 2024 timetable:

What makes us throw further or jump further? Does the length of our femur or ulna make a difference? 

For this personal study (Spring 1) the children were asked to conduct their own experiments - which they did very well! They became Scientists and produced some brilliant work, working fairly, making predictions and recording accurate results. It was a busy afternoon, but here are a few pictures from their investigation!

World Book Day shenanigans! 

Thank you for supporting your child in being involved in World Book Day! 

Topic WOW!

At the start of our Romans topic in Spring 2 we had a fantastic afternoon learning about some of the amazing things the Romans were famous for! The children built a Roman road using oats, stones pebbles, PVA glue and a few digestive biscuits (VERY hard not to eat one!). They also tried some fruits the Romans introduced to the countries they invaded, like grapes, carrots and berries. They sketched some Roman coins and had a go at making their own mosaic patterns. We learnt about how the Romans were famous for introducing aqueducts and with a little help from Mrs Morris, the children made their own water channels for transporting water. I think it's safe to say the children had a brilliant introduction to the Romans and we thoroughly enjoyed every minute!

Murton Park

 Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to parents and staff for supporting our Year 3 children on this trip. It was a FANTASTIC day and I don't exaggerate one bit. The children learnt so much and had tons for fun too. I have regularly referred back to this trip throughout the children's learning and as it was invaluable in painting pictures in their minds of what things were really like during the Roman invasion. Take a look at some of the photos we took, a truly memorable day! 

Please find our Summer 1 curriculum overview:

Please find our summer 2 curriculum overview:

Djembe Drumming 2024! 

I think you will agree the children did a fantastic job during our drumming concert. Check out some photos from the concert below:

Check out some clips from our drumming concert here!

Wheelie Day!



For this lesson we talked about what can happen when we say something kind to someone. We spoke about the ripple effect this can have on the ones around us. As a visual example of this, as each child said something they liked about their chosen person, they threw the wool to them, keeping hold of one end of it. This showed the children that for everyone kind word they give, it inspires others to be kind too causing a web of kindness around them.


This was amazing! The children loved it. Please take a look at a few photos (and enjoy!) from the day!