Welcome to Year 3!
Your teacher is Mrs Kinder
Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Booker
Our PE Teacher Miss Naylor
In Year 3 we always work hard and look after each other. :-)
TOPIC WOW! - How does the human body work?
We had a fantastic introduction to our new Topic earlier this week! We sketched real life bones and discussed what body part we though the body was from, we investigated organs and labelled them as well as on 'Bob the skeleton,' our new 'temporary' class member, as well as checking out some toothy fun facts! Someone even tried to put the bones back together! Take a look! Enjoy!
Year 3 Christmas 2024!
Exploring rocks and their properties!
The children carried out several investigations finding out if certain rocks were permeable, durable, how hard or soft they were and their density. The classroom was busy with activities and we had many wow moments! Enjoy!
Topic WOW!
As an introduction to our new Topic 'What makes the earth move?' - we bult our own volcanos and erupted them! We talked about which way the 'lava flow' was travelling and what impact the eruption may have on people living nearby.
Please find our Year 3 Curriculum Overview below:
Art Week!
We have had lots of fun and 'extreme concentration' this week during our Art days of drawing! Take a look at your child's fantastic work. Our aim was to draw out facial features using accurate proportions and measurements as well as including interesting textures to add detail. The have all done so well!
Our final week of Forest School for this term!
Check out a few photos from our last session with Mrs Manion and Mrs English for this term. We have enjoyed the last few weeks so much and the children have learnt so much.
Forest School Week Four!
We had a fantastic afternoon this week! First, we had a go at starting a fire (under supervision!), the children had a great go at striking and created a lot of sparks but unfortunately only Mrs Manion was able to light the cotton wool that we were having a go with! Next, and the most delicious bit, we roasted apple on the fire and dipped it in a sugar and cinnamon mix....absolutely amazing - please try it if you can! The second group worked with Mrs English, hunting woolly mammoths, building dens and imagining what life would be like as a Stone Age human! Our Forest school sessions have all be focused on our Topic work which has been amazing for our learning, making lasting memories!!!
I hope you enjoy taking a look at some snaps from the afternoon!
Forest School Week Three!
Check out what we got up to!
Forest School Week Two!
Check out what we got up to!
Take a look at our attempts to be come cave men and women, drawing in the caves of our prehistoric homes!
Forest School Week One!
Check out what we got up to!
Please see the information below to learn more about Year 3.
Please find our Autumn 1 2024 overview: